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Hoax 5:18 illeffects
High 2:08 SM Royalty Free Music
Fade 4:19 illeffects
Woodside 3:08 illeffects
Heroic Battle 1:18 DP Music

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Why Choose Us

Royalty Free Music Instant License & Download

The GrooveDen royalty free music library offers high quality royalty free music. From corporate to dance and beyond, our wide selection of genres provide the perfect background music underscore for your videos and post productions projects. With a flexible music license policy, our music library is suited for all multimedia projects including Youtube videos, television and radio commercials, web advertisements, podcasts, public presentations and more.

Avoid Youtube Copyright Violation Notifications

The royalty free music available on GrooveDen does not trigger copyright notifications from video platforms such as Youtube. A valid music license grants you the right to use our royalty free music in a variety of multimedia projects. Our music library lets you use our background music without impediments and restrictions while you monetize your Youtube video. With every purchase, you’ll receive a detailed invoice outlining which royalty free music soundtracks and licenses were purchased. We urge all clients and video production companies to store and archive these for business accounting purposes. Shop in confidence.

Why Use Royalty Free Music?

Mores than 77% of Youtube videos contain royalty free music. Royalty free music enables your audience to connect with your Youtube videos. Youtube videos with compelling royalty free music garner more loyal subscribers. Videos with catchy background music are shared more on social media and often revisited. We help small and large business owners and video creators by providing cost effective royalty free music. Avoid copyright infringement notices and embarrassing warnings – keep your content safe and avoid aggressive takedowns.

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